3 Important Areas In The Prevention Of Atherosclerosis


3 Important Areas In The Prevention Of Atherosclerosis

Blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen to various organs in the human body are called arteries. These arteries can get very thick and stiff if they go under too much pressure, and this will decrease the blood flow to organs in the body. Fats and cholesterol, for instance, can build up in the arteries to slow down blood flow.

It is this process that is called arteriosclerosis, often also called atherosclerosis. This slowing of blood flow and building up of cholesterol can really damage the body and even cause a blood clot. Fortunately, this condition is preventable.

Lifestyle choices are the main factor behind the prevention of atherosclerosis. There are many factors in your life that can cause you to have a lot of fats, toxins and cholesterol in your body, which then leads to atherosclerosis. It is important to deal with this by reducing your risk factors. Here are the best lifestyle changes for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Stop smoking

According to the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute writing in 2011, one of the biggest ways of preventing atherosclerosis is to stop smoking. Smoking is very hard on your blood vessels and significantly raises your risk of developing the condition. When you smoke, your arteries get damaged and also become tighter. You should also try to avoid second-hand smoke as much as you can.

Dietary changes

Food is very important to your arteries. It provides the nutrients that blood vessels, as well as other organs in the body, need, and if you aren’t eating healthily, the likelihood of you developing atherosclerosis increases.

According to a University of Maryland Medical Center article from 2010, being obese is also a risk factor. So it is important that you try to lose weight and change your foods to healthier and more nutritious choices. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and drastically decrease your intake of salt and sugar. Here are the best foods and nutrients to include in your diet for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

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