4 Home Remedies For Arthritis That Could Relieve Your Pain


4 Home Remedies For Arthritis That Could Relieve Your Pain

3. Exercise

We generally and instinctively respond to pain by favoring the pain location. This is an excellent response because you first don’t want to make the pain and its cause worse.

However, the moment you stop allowing your body movement and exercise, you start losing flexibility and increase your vulnerability to illnesses and weight gain, for example.

Exercise should be an important component of your holistic arthritis treatment plan. Think of the benefits: improved joint mobility, greater muscle strength, higher metabolic rate, better physical conditioning, and maybe even weight loss.

Don’t try to establish your own program without first knowing the type and cause of your arthritis. Then, to integrate this as one of your home remedies for arthritis, work with your doctor and/or a physical therapist to establish what exercises would be best for you.

An exercise program that’s tailored for your needs might include a balance of three types of exercises – strengthening, range-of-motion, and endurance. These may protect your joints from further damage while relieving arthritis symptoms.

4. Diatomaceous Earth

Silica is the key element in this, one of the most natural home remedies for arthritis. It is a natural anti-inflammatory element that your body needs daily. However, when your body has an additional load of pain messages, generally it indicates there’s a lack of silica to repair the tissues.

Taking this dietary supplement in the amount of two heaping tablespoons daily is something I always recommend to patients with arthritis. They mix it in with water, juice, or milk. Relief is felt in 7-10 days. There are no negative side effects or complications, and used in conjunction with other home remedies for arthritis, this one can make a big difference to dramatically decrease suffering, and to improve overall life quality. I’ve seen it bring smiles to hundreds of people!


This article was written for Insights-on-Health.com in Oct 2013 by Dr Donna Schwontkowski. Reversing health disorders is easier when principles of natural healing are used. Dr Donna is a retired chiropractor with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition and a master’s in herbology. She has over 25 years experience working with thousands of patients to reverse their health conditions. Read more about her here.

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