4 Useful Herbs For Cancer Prevention And Recovery


4 Useful Herbs For Cancer Prevention And Recovery

The importance of healthy nutrition and good lifestyle choices is paramount in trying to prevent cancer. It is also important to remain on a healthy diet while fighting against any type of cancer.

There are also some great herbs for cancer that help to prevent and enhance recovery from the condition.


This great medicinal and culinary herb has proven ability to help prevent and fight off cancer cells. According to the Natural Health 365 website, parsley contains many valuable minerals and healthful compounds. The article from 2012 reports that multiple animal studies have shown the volatile oil called myristicin inhibits tumor formation, especially in the lungs. This makes parsley a recommended chemo-protective food. It also seems to neutralize certain carcinogens, such as benzophrenes. These are for instance found in cigarette smoke.

The article reports about a study conducted by Salman Hyder, from the University of Missouri, which found that a compound in parsley called apigenin fights effectively against breast cancer tumors. Earth Clinic also notes that apigenin works by reducing the new blood veins forming around the tumor and thus preventing it from growing.

This herb for cancer is also great because it helps to strengthen the body’s immune system and liver. Parsley has lot of vitamin C, as well as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin K.


Thyme has long culinary traditions and the Ancient Romans used it to encourage vigor. It is also one of the great herbs for cancer.

According to MedIndia writing in 2012, thyme contains very high levels of anti-oxidants called rosmarinic acid and phenolic compounds like thymol and carvacrol. The article reports of a Turkish study that found the phenolic compounds reducing oxidative DNA damage significantly. This would mean that they helped to prevent the development of all kinds of cancer cells. Thyme is also a great antiseptic and antibacterial herb that will protect and boost your immune system.

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