5 Simple Tips To Help You Do A Full Body Detox


5 Simple Tips To Help You Do A Full Body Detox

Detoxification of your body is an important thing to do every once in a while. Getting rid of the harmful toxins in your body will improve your energy levels and renew your health.

Doing a full body detox requires determination and focus but with these helpful steps, you can get the results you want. There are multiple different ways to do a full body detox, but these steps combine the key factors in a successful manner.

1. Firstly, give up coffee, alcohol and sugar slowly before your full detox begins. This will adjust your body to the forthcoming detox and it will make it easier for you as well. Slowly reducing your coffee, alcohol and sugar consumption about a week before your detox will reduce the shock to your body and allow you time to get used to it. During detox, you should avoid all caffeine, alcohol and sugar. Drinking some green tea is acceptable.

2. Begin your detox by eating natural food such as vegetables and fruits. The less meat you consume, the better. Make healthy smoothies from different fruits and vegetables, but limit the use of dairy products. It is important to include quality grains and fiber in your detox diet. Add things like quinoa, brown rice and oats to your diet. Nuts are also a very good source of protein as well as essential vitamins and fats. The best detoxifying foods are beets, radishes, broccoli and seaweed, so add these into your detox program, too.

3. To make sure your body is fully detoxifying, it is essential to drink lots of clean water. Drink around minimum 2 litres of water every day. This is important because water will help you truly cleanse the body from toxins. Not consuming enough water might cause you to feel worse than you did before.

You can see if you are receiving enough water in your diet by checking out the colour of your urine. The darker the urine, the less likely it is you are drinking enough water. You can dilute water with lemon or cranberry juice (as long as it’s unsweetened!) to make it taste different. Carrying a water bottle around is really helpful too in reminding you to keep drinking.

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