6 Cholesterol Lowering Supplements You Could Take


6 Cholesterol Lowering Supplements You Could Take

Are you suffering from high cholesterol and seeking effective natural remedies or treatments?

Several cholesterol lowering supplements are on the market. Let’s take a look at some of the best ingredients that supplements should contain to effectively lower cholesterol.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, has been studied extensively and used for decades to reduce unhealthy LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels. It works by controlling the transportation of fatty acids in and out of cells. This excellent supplement also reduces triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are harmful blood fats too. They are essentially “generic” fats. Some experts believe that reduction of elevated triglyceride levels may be even more important than lowering unhealthy cholesterol.

Vitamin B5 has a positive benefit on healthy HDL cholesterol. It raises the healthy HDL levels, improving the ratio of good fats to bad fats. All of these actions make Vitamin B5 a superb supplement for maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels.

Vitamin B5 has other health benefits as well. It has a positive effect on mood and enhances the health of the digestive and immune systems. Vitamin B5 assists with the regulation of insulin and glucose. Vitamin B5 protects the liver. The liver is where natural cholesterol is manufactured. Healthy liver function is also needed to detoxify and rid the body of excess unhealthy cholesterol.

Many people who take pharmaceutical medications which lower cholesterol suffer from stress on the liver due to those medications. It is not uncommon for cholesterol lowering drugs to be discontinued due to impaired liver function. Unlike prescription drugs, vitamin B5 reduces unhealthy cholesterol levels while providing health benefits for the liver and the rest of the body.


Another B vitamin which lowers unhealthy cholesterol levels is niacin. Niacin is frequently included in blends which lower blood pressure and reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels. It is available as a single supplement as well. Many people get a transient feeling of heat and a red flush when they consume niacin. If you do not want to experience the “niacin flush”, purchase flush free niacin.

Niacin enhances blood flow and raises healthy HDL cholesterol levels while diminishing LDL and triglyceride levels. A dose of 300 milligrams of niacin daily is commonly recommended. Do not use a sustained release formula. Use niacin, do not substitute niacinamide.

Note on the B Vitamins

If you take any individual B vitamins, always take a multivitamin with extra B vitamin complex in addition to the individual supplement as the B vitamins all need to be present for B vitamins to work well. Follow label instructions for use. Take the amount of niacin or B5 contained in the multivitamin into account when deciding how much supplemental niacin or B5 is needed. Be especially careful not to take more than 300 milligrams of niacin.

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