6 Ways To Do A Colon Cleanse Naturally


6 Ways To Do A Colon Cleanse Naturally

When someone says they want to do a colon cleanse naturally, there are many options. Some of the methods address the root cause of why the person is constipated in the first place.

Here are the top six ways to get started.

1. Evaluate Your Diet. Eat More Fiber.

When you don’t eat enough fiber, the time that it takes food to move from mouth to anus increases. Instead of one meal out for every meal in, you may only have a bowel movement every one to two days. In the worst case I ever heard of from other practitioners, there was a woman attorney who only had a bowel movement every 30 days! That’s enough of a problem to make anyone grouchy and mean!

The purpose of fiber is to give bulk to the stool so that the food can move through the colon quickly. You’ll need 25 to 30 grams fiber daily. It’s easy to add a 1/2 cup black beans serving (7.5 grams fiber), along with a pear (3.7 grams fiber), an apple (about 3 grams fiber), a 1/2 cup serving of blackberries (4.4 grams fiber or more) daily to your diet. The apple and pear are great for snacks and the blackberries make a great addition to your protein shake. Black beans are a welcome side dish to any meal.

2. Start Taking Aloe Vera Juice.

Aloe vera juice contains emodin, which is a medicinal constituent that directly affects the smooth muscles of the colon. It creates a colon cleanse naturally and you can expect a bowel movement within a few hours in most cases. With my patients, I only use George’s Distilled Aloe vera juice, as this brand works well and tastes like water. A shot glass before bed and with every meal will get the bowels working quickly. A half-cup of the aloe vera juice drunk twice daily will be enough to act as a colon cleanse for stubborn constipated people. However, longer term usage is required to retrain the bowel to continue going.

3. Add A Magnesium Supplement.

The mineral magnesium is often deficient in people. This may occur because people tend to not eat high magnesium foods – dark green leafy greens – and as a result stay constipated. Adding magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide in a dosage of 300 to 500 mg once daily is enough to start cleansing the colon and seeing results in a few days. However, more is not better. Magnesium can act as an electrolyte and you don’t want to upset the balance of it and other minerals in the body. This is where you really need to sit down with a nutritionist and find out if you’re low in the first place.

4. Get Your Thyroid Checked.

If your thyroid is underactive, this is a reason why colon motility would decrease. A healthy thyroid depends on the elements iodine, manganese and selenium. Getting a blood test of these elements makes sense (or a hair analysis) to find out where your nutritional status is right now.

When your thyroid is working at optimal levels, your colon functioning improves.

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