8 Natural Remedies To Include In Your Giardiasis Treatment


8 Natural Remedies To Include In Your Giardiasis Treatment

Giardiasis is caused by a parasite called Giardia lamblia. It is an intestinal infection that comes with a multitude of symptoms, from diarrhea and abdominal pain to even raised temperatures in the body.

You can get giardiasis by drinking or eating contaminated food or by coming into contact with someone who has the infection. The most common medicinal treatment is metronidazole, but this doesn’t always work with everyone and it has various unpleasant side effects.

There is natural giardiasis treatment available for you to try as part of your healing process. It is advisable that you discuss this option with your health care provider.

Goldenseal as an herbal giardiasis remedy

There are many wonderful herbs that you could try to get rid of the parasite and goldenseal is a good option as an herbal giardiasis treatment. This herb can be found in many health stores and can be taken in various supplement forms to treat the parasite.

According to a Livestrong article in 2011, it works through its rich content of antimicrobial agents that aid your digestion. A 2002 study published in the journal of Parasitology International also reports that the substance called berberine found in goldenseal is active in helping to treat giardiasis. Berberine was found to be able to effectively kill intestinal parasites such as Giardia lamblia.

Garlic as natural giardiasis remedy

Garlic is a great natural remedy for many ailments and giardiasis is another condition that can be treated with garlic. A 2000 study published in the journal of Microbiology found that garlic can help break down the parasite and thus can be useful in getting rid of it from the body. It seems to work as a giardiasis treatment by stimulating an enzyme in the parasite that will eventually lead to the disintegration of the parasite.

Another article in 2003 in the Alternative Medicine Review found that garlic can stop the Giardia lamblia parasite from getting into human cells. It seems that the best way garlic works is to consume it fresh. You should also combine it with, for instance, goldenseal to get the maximum benefits. This will really enhance your immune system and boost your liver function.

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