Best Natural Anti Wrinkle Treatments To Start Using Today


Best Natural Anti Wrinkle Treatments To Start Using Today

5. Whole Grains

White flour’s inflammatory nature contributes to wrinkling, and it raises blood glucose, which exacerbates wrinkling. Whole grains not only are not inflammatory, but they have plenty of natural vitamin E, which we all know is great for skin, reducing wrinkles and reinforcing elasticity. In addition, the B complex vitamins are prevalent in whole grains, serving as natural antioxidants to help your body flush toxins which accelerate wrinkling.

6. Dark Chocolate

Antioxidants are vital for organ care. Your body’s largest organ, your skin, benefits greatly from chocolate’s natural high levels of flavonoids. Just a few daily milligrams of chocolate will help your skin’s elasticity and vitality, rendering it one of the most enjoyable and best natural anti-wrinkle treatments that makes you feel comforted, too.

7. Ginseng

Herbs always must be on the list of best natural anti-wrinkle treatments. A key element that contributes to wrinkling is reduced blood flow to the skin. Ginseng supports skin blood flow, a critical characteristic for keeping skin looking and actually thriving “younger”.

Taken as a powder or extract, ginseng stimulates and relaxes your central nervous system to maintain ideal homeostasis. This lowers your blood glucose, and additionally helps your skin fight off bacteria and other contaminants that either increase wrinkling or simply challenge the skin’s vitality to fight wrinkles.

8. Naps

Stopping during the middle of the day or afternoon for even a 30-minute deep rest or nap reaps tremendous benefits for your entire body, including its battle against wrinkles. Those daily stressors compile to tweak your expression into frowns, grimaces and other wrinkling activities.

Taking a nap allows your body to erase the stressors of the day, reinforce your skin regaining its prior unstressed status, and support your skin’s battle against the remaining challenges of your day. And, as mentioned above, your body goes into repair mode during sleep, even to a degree when simply resting meditatively.

9. Sex

As you may know, sex can release the hormone oxytocin, which provides short-term stress-release, and if released frequently, has a huge positive impact on our body’s aging process – slowing it tremendously.

Of course, there are also psychological and relationship benefits of frequent sexual activity. If a positive relationship features healthy, rewarding sexual activity, there’s a tendency for the participants to react more positively to stressors, reducing the draw on your skin, thereby making it one of the best natural anti-wrinkle treatments.

Out of all these best natural anti-wrinkle treatments, which one will you initiate today?


This article was written for in Oct 2013 by Dr Donna Schwontkowski. Reversing health disorders is easier when principles of natural healing are used. Dr Donna is a retired chiropractor with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition and a master’s in herbology. She has over 25 years experience working with thousands of patients to reverse their health conditions. Read more about her here.

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