Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment May Be What You Need


Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment May Be What You Need

The relationship between chiropractic and neck pain is like the relationship between a mother and a child reaching for a hot stove.

Just as the mother saves the child from pain and suffering, your chiropractor can do the same thing for you when you have neck pain.

Why Chiropractors May Be Your Solution for Neck Pain

It makes a lot of sense as the chiropractic curriculum teaches their students courses on:

* radiology – how to diagnose neck disorders

* physical therapy – how to use different tools and ‘gadgets’ to stimulate healing without causing pain

* neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and clinical neurology – similar to what neurologist medical doctors learn (same textbooks)

* palpation and chiropractic techniques to adjust the neck

* how to take a patient history and proper patient behavior

The hundreds of hours of education that chiropractors get on how the muscles, bones, joints, connective tissue interrelate to the nervous system are the basis of the curriculum. This curriculum is different from medical doctors’ education that focuses on diagnosis, pharmacology, and surgery. Chiropractors are the experts on musculoskeletal disorders, and that includes neck pain.

Concerns About Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment

You may be concerned that chiropractic neck pain treatment will be keeping you from proper medical treatment. Actually, both treatments may be used simultaneously in many cases.

If you’re unfamiliar with results obtained with chiropractic and neck pain, you may not know that because of the extensive training a chiropractor receives, he or she will never hesitate to refer you to a medical doctor if you need medical treatment. Chiropractors understand worst-case scenarios and all the red flags that go along with serious conditions. Chiropractors and medical doctors are both concerned with your health and will do whatever it takes for your neck pain issue to be resolved.

What to Expect with Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain

At your first appointment, you’ll begin by filling out a health questionnaire asking questions on previous health issues and your family history. Your chiropractor will then review your health history with you, and find out how and when your neck pain started, what makes it worse and what makes it better, and then perform orthopedic tests on your neck that indicate the exact problem.

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