Diet And Herbs Could Be The Natural Cure For Gonorrhea You Seek


Diet And Herbs Could Be The Natural Cure For Gonorrhea You Seek

Are you seeking a natural cure for gonorrhea? Here are some simple yet effective natural remedies, tips and health advice which should help you out.

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae and it can affect both men and women.

It is most often passed on by sexual intercourse but the bacteria can also be passed through contact with an infected person’s penis, vagina, anus, mouth and eyes. The bacteria survives best in the moist and warm areas of the body and can thus sometimes be found in a person’s urethra, fallopian tubes or uterus.

The problem with pursuing a natural cure for gonorrhea is that the disease itself doesn’t often involve any visible symptoms. Women especially can often mistakenly think gonorrhea is a vaginal or bladder infection.

The initial symptoms of gonorrhea in women can include a burning sensation when urinating, increased vaginal discharge, or vaginal bleeding between periods. In men, a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis is usually present and sometimes men with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles. There are some great natural remedies available for gonorrhea.

First and foremost, you need to avoid contact with infected people and areas. This means also avoid sharing towels or clothing with an infected person. You also need to refrain from sexual practices before your condition is cured.

Diet – a natural cure for gonorrhea

The best natural cure for gonorrhea is to do a full body detox as soon as symptoms are present. Drink a lot of fluids with some added lemon or orange juice to purify your body from the inside. Natural Home Cures even recommends a few days of fasting to get rid of all the toxins in your body.

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