Easy Meditation Poses For Everyone


Easy Meditation Poses For Everyone

The thought of meditating may still be a foreign concept to some people, conjuring images of twisted, painful poses with impossibly serene heads attached on top.

This seeming uncomfortable practice offers significant health benefits, however, and with these simple meditation poses, it’s easier to do than you might think.

Despite what you might think, you can do meditation anywhere in any position, but it is much easier to practice in a calm, quiet place with easy poses, especially if you are a beginner. The most important thing is that whatever position you choose to meditate in is something that is enjoyable and comfortable.

Yes, comfortable. My yoga teacher always says that you earn no points for suffering, meaning that if you are experiencing pain, numbness or intense sensations, you should alleviate it right away. Meditation poses should support your peace of mind and if you are in excruciating pain, chances are you won’t be meditating for long.

If you practice meditating when you’re in a serene environment, it is easier to call upon that sense of calm when things do get stressful. Think about it, if you’ve never practiced being peaceful, how will you find that ability within when you’re going through a true crisis? Practice, Practice, Practice.

Basic Meditation Poses

Seated in a Chair

This is perhaps the most basic pose of all, and one you can do virtually anywhere, anytime. It is especially useful for reversing everyday stress at the office, in the car during traffic jams, on the phone with customer service, you name it.

1. choose a chair that is firm with a straight back, if possible

2. you may choose to wedge a cushion under your buttocks to allow your pelvis to tilt forward slightly

3. place a small object beneath your feet, if they don’t lay flat on the floor

4. sit forward in the chair so that your back is not touching the back of the chair

5. straighten your spine and allow your head to rest gently on top of it, as if suspended on a string

6. lay your hands gently on your thighs with palms up or folded together in your lap

7. tuck your chin under slightly and soften your gaze using a focal object to ground your thoughts

8. breathe deeply and evenly, sitting for up to 20 minutes

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