Foods To Avoid With Gastritis To Improve Your Condition


Foods To Avoid With Gastritis To Improve Your Condition

Gastritis is often caused by various bacterial and viral infections. It is about inflammation of the stomach lining and it can manifest itself through stomach distress and pain.

Sometimes, gastritis can also be caused by over-consumption of certain foods that are harmful to the stomach lining. If you suffer from acute gastritis, it is advised to avoid the following foods until your symptoms diminish. You should also limit these foods if you are suffering from chronic gastritis.

Here, we go through the categories of: fats and oils, refined foods, vegetables and fruits, spices, animal protein, dairy products, and beverages. Each category should either be avoided in its entirety, or it contains certain specific items that you should avoid with gastritis.

Fats and oils

The foods to avoid with gastritis include many fatty and oily foods. All deep-fried foods should be avoided, such as onion rings and French fries. These have high amounts of trans-fatty acids and can really irritate the stomach lining.

A Livestrong article from 2011 says that trans-fats can also be found in baked products such as cookies and doughnuts, so drop them away from your diet. As a general rule, processed food is usually high in harmful fats and oils and thus you should avoid eating them and instead opt for fresh and homemade food.

Refined foods

A Buzzle article from 2011 also says that all refined foods are to be avoided if you suffer from gastritis. These foods to avoid with gastritis include white flour and white sugar products, and again baked goods are often rich with refined produce. White bread and pasta are also refined foods to avoid with gastritis.

Vegetables and fruits

During gastritis inflammation, it is important that the food you do consume is easily digestible. This means that the vegetables you consume should not be raw or very coarse in consistency.

The Livestrong article reports that many people find that onions and garlic cause more pain, and so you may want to avoid using them. Sometimes, tomatoes can also cause inflammation and pain, and thus it is another possible food to avoid with gastritis. You should cook the vegetables by boiling them slightly and eat them in small pieces to make them easily digestible.

The Buzzle article also lists some fruits that should be avoided if you suffer from gastritis. These include unripe fruits, citrus fruits and canned fruits, because they can contain sugars. The important thing is that for any food you do consume, you remember to eat slowly and chew them well before swallowing.

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