Gentle Ways To Overcome Depression Naturally


Gentle Ways To Overcome Depression Naturally

Let’s admit it. We all have a gloomy side. Feelings of depression are not only quite common, they are also completely natural.

When something that is emotionally overwhelming happens, we often are not able to deal with all of it at once. Avoiding uncomfortable or emotionally charged situations is a common defense strategy, but one that doesn’t offer any solutions.

Sometimes we are so busy with our lives that we feel there is no time to adequately deal with our worries and anxieties. We think that it would require too much effort to make positive changes, and since we’re already feeling down, it’s easy to believe that.

However, with just a little extra self-care, you can effectively deal with negative feelings, and balance your emotional patterns so that your mood swings are less frequent and not quite so severe. Taking one positive step at a time can really start to add up, and a little tiny effort on your part can do so much to battle the symptoms of depression.

My clients who suffer from depression are often looking for a quick-fix for their feelings. They just want the ickyness to go away, without having to work too hard at it. But depression can’t be cured with a magic pill. You have to actively work through your feelings so that you can experience them rather than ignore or avoid them.

Just becoming more aware of your feelings, and being willing to actually feel them without wanting to deny or fix them can be powerfully healing. I advise my clients to slowly incorporate these suggestions, and then stick with them even after the bout of depression has passed. Think of it as housekeeping for your emotions – the more frequently you clear out negativity, the better you will feel.

Move Your Body, Move Your Emotions

One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of energy or will to move. The body and mind operate best when they are stimulated and exercised, releasing powerful mood-enhancing endorphins. It may be difficult to think about moving your body when you feel so disengaged from it, but a little movement can have a big effect on your energy levels and overall mood.

You don’t have to adopt a rigorous exercise plan when you don’t have the energy to even find your workout shoes. Begin with some gentle stretching in the morning after you shower every day. When you are comfortable with that, you may want to add a short walk to your daily self-care plan. Start with a 10 minute stroll around the block a few times per week. Increase the length and frequency of your walks, and give yourself a little reward as you reach new goals. Even though you may have to really force yourself in the beginning, you will notice that you really do have more energy than your depression let you believe.

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