Health Benefits Of Royal Jelly – A Quick Summary


Health Benefits Of Royal Jelly – A Quick Summary

Royal jelly, a substance obtained from the combs of queen honey bees, has gained attention for its many beneficial uses.

A critical look at the substance and its benefits reveals that, indeed, it could be potentially beneficial to many people.

One important, and very beneficial, component of royal jelly is its B complex vitamin content. Royal jelly contains vitamin B5 (panthothenic acid), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and others – which are essential to many of the body’s functions.

Royal jelly also offers carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids, as well as many minerals and enzymes. Another very unique and beneficial characteristic of royal jelly is the fact that it has antibiotic and antibacterial components.

Various studies have investigated the health benefits of royal jelly. One of these includes a possible ability to stimulate cell growth. Research has also revealed royal jelly’s unique ability to lower cholesterol. Furthermore, it is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have also found that royal jelly has wound-healing capabilities, and antibiotic effects. There is even some evidence that royal jelly may inhibit tumor growth.

Royal jelly also has countless other benefits. Many people believe it promotes longevity and has anti-aging properties. Royal jelly may help those who struggle with hypertension lower their blood pressures, as well. Royal jelly also helps combat fatigue, improves metabolism, helps with symptoms of arthritis, combats anxiety, and may even improve sexual dysfunction in some individuals. Ingestion of royal jelly may also improve skin and hair quality. This unique substance may also improve the immune system, kidney function, and stress coping capacity.

Although we continue to learn about the health benefits of royal jelly, we can benefit from this natural remedy now. It is certainly a versatile treatment for a wide range of issues, and should be pursued for anyone who would benefit from its effects mentioned here – under the supervision of a health care professional.


This article was written for by Nicole D T, a freelance writer who researches and writes on various topics.

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