Health Benefits Of Whole Food Dietary Choices


Health Benefits Of Whole Food Dietary Choices

Centuries ago, humans only consumed natural whole foods. Today, most people eat lots of processed foods. And the negative health impact has been significant.

This article, which I first wrote and published on another website in 2008, discusses why natural whole foods are the best source of nutrition for your body.

Benefits of Whole Foods Diet Choices

Are you aware of the health benefits of consuming a largely whole foods diet?

Think about it – how much would one be willing to pay to have a health or nutritional expert put in hours carrying out painstaking academic research and experimental work in the lab, to finally come up with a unique tablet or capsule which contains a specially designed concoction of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients?

These nutrients must be put together in such a way that they provide good nutrition to the human body, in a form which is most easily absorbable by the human body.

For optimal nutrition, the beneficial compounds and substances should be in proportions which maximize their health-boosting effects.

In fact, these compounds should complement each other. For example, Enzyme X could be present to enhance the body’s ability to make use of Vitamin Z.

Better still, some of them should have a synergistic effect on one another, creating a total health-promoting effect which is more than the sum total of each of their individual health benefits.

Most definitely, these substances should not be harmful to the human body, and should not in any way contribute to any kind of hormonal, nutritional or other imbalances in the body.

Oh, and preferably, the food should taste good. Otherwise, it is going to be difficult to convince any human being to want to put it into his or her mouth.

You know what? We already have the above, if we choose to consume a mainly whole foods diet!

Yes, the components of such whole foods diets are in the form of natural whole foods. And the expert designer is none other than God, or if you prefer, Nature, himself! Indeed, the health benefits of whole food diet choices are significant.

You see, the nutritional package within a carrot, a tomato, an apple, a clove of garlic, wheat grass, barley grass, an herb or some other natural food in its whole form has been more intricately put together than any capsule or tablet which Man can design and make.

Not only are whole foods nutritionally power-packed and more complete, they have higher amounts of fiber as compared to refined foods, and thus help to keep the bowels moving and detoxify the body.

In addition, they have lower glycemic index values, meaning they do not raise glucose and insulin levels in the body rapidly – these can have detrimental long-term effects on health.

Organic whole foods, when compared to their commercially farmed counterparts, are also free of genetic engineering and harmful chemicals, thereby providing further health boosts to the human body.

Want a good diet? Reap optimal whole food nutrition by going for organic, natural, fresh whole foods!

If you haven’t already done so, read more about the health benefits of organic food, raw food as well as the glycemic index.

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