Herbal Eczema Cures – What Herbs To Use For Home Treatment


Herbal Eczema Cures – What Herbs To Use For Home Treatment

Eczema is a common inflammation of the skin. Skin affected by eczema is itchy, red, crusty, or scaly. Fluid filled weeping blisters are sometimes present.

Eczema may be acute or chronic. It may be caused and exacerbated by stress, allergies, chemical exposure, heat, and poor diet. Eczema affects people of all ages. The cure for eczema varies depending upon the cause.

Herbalists treat eczema via several strategies. An assessment is made to determine the cause and history of the condition. Eczema is treated by internal and topical measures.

Internal Treatment of Eczema

Herbalists use herbs which reduce inflammation and itching. They employ the use of tonic herbs which enhance the health of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Special attention is given to hepatic health. The skin is an organ of elimination so it is essential that the kidneys and digestive tract are functioning well.

A specific group of herbs called alteratives are beneficial for the treatment of eczema. Many alteratives are ordinary weeds. Some examples include red clover, viola, cleavers, nettles and figwort. All, except nettles, are useful internally and externally. Tinctures and capsules may be purchased. I prefer using an infusion for long term use.

Make an infusion of any of or any combination of the above herbs. They are readily available in herb shops, online, and in the wild. Figwort does not taste good but the others all have mild flavors. Combine four teaspoons of dried herbs or four tablespoons of fresh herbs. Cover with one quart of boiling water. Let it sit, covered, for twenty minutes. Strain out the herbs and compost them. Drink the tea four times daily. These herbs are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other compounds which will help you to heal from eczema as well as enhance your health and well being.

If the eczema is chronic or recurrent, burdock, Oregon grape or barberry roots may be added as they promote the health of the liver and aid detoxification of the entire body. To make a tea of these roots, boil them to make a decoction, otherwise follow the instructions for making the infusions above. Continue using the infusion as well, but alternate beverages throughout the day for a total of one quart of herb tea daily.

External Treatment of Eczema

Topical herbal remedies for the treatment of eczema may be purchased or made at home. Again, ordinary weeds provide some of the best medicine. Calendula, plantain, cleavers, viola, and chickweed make excellent remedies. You may make a strong tea of any of these and combine them with witch hazel or vinegar if there are no open lesions. Apply as needed for comfort. If open lesions are present and application with witch hazel or vinegar is uncomfortable, simply apply the chilled tea to the affected area.

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