Herbal Home Remedies For Hangovers – Herbs To Make You Feel Better


Herbal Home Remedies For Hangovers – Herbs To Make You Feel Better

Holidays, sporting events, and getting together with friends sometimes results in consuming too much alcohol. The miserable result is a hangover.

Are there any home remedies which relieve the fatigue, headache, and nausea that often results?

Herbal medicine offers effective remedies which can provide energy, relieve headaches, and reduce nausea due to hangovers.

Coffee: The Reliable old Remedy for Hangovers

Coffee is an herbal remedy which can help to increase energy levels and relieve headaches. Be sure to drink other fluids too as coffee is dehydrating to the body. Dehydration makes the symptoms of a hangover worse.

Coffee may help to relieve a headache on its own or when used with other herbs. It can potentiate the actions of other herbs, making them work more effectively. Be careful with coffee if stomach irritation or nausea is present as it can increase the burning sensation in your stomach. However, if you regularly drink coffee, it may help you after a night of over imbibing.

For non coffee drinkers, the caffeine in black or green tea is a better alternative. Black and green teas do not usually contain as much caffeine, but they are gentler on the stomach. Some people get loose stools after a night out. The tannins in black and green teas help to stop diarrhea.

Herbal “Aspirin” Helps Hangovers

Many herbs contain salicin. In fact, the original sources of aspirin were plants. Herbs rich in salicin provide rapid relief for headaches without irritating inflamed stomachs. Birch, meadowsweet, willow, and black haw are rich sources of salicin.

They are best consumed as teas since the body needs fluids. However, products are available in several forms including capsules, tablets and tinctures. Tinctures are alcohol based. They work rapidly and are well absorbed; however, if you have an aversion to alcohol due to overconsumption, opt for another form of herbal medicine.

Herbs Which Settle the Stomach

Herbs which settle the stomach include ginger and mint.

Simply grate a one inch size piece of fresh peeled ginger root into a cup and add one cup of boiling water. Alternatively, add one teaspoon of dried root per cup of boiled water. Ginger is one of the best herbs available to reduce nausea. It is an excellent addition to less tasty herbal blends such as any of the herbs used to reduce headaches. In addition, ginger is considered an herbal stimulant which may make you feel less groggy and activate the other herbs. Ginger has pain relieving properties too.

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