Home Remedies To Use As Natural Gastritis Treatment


Home Remedies To Use As Natural Gastritis Treatment

Gastritis is a condition characterized by inflammation in the stomach. If you suffer from gastritis, you may feel a burning feeling in your abdomen, bloating, nausea and loss of appetite.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of gastritis, one of them even being a bacterial infection in the body. Here are some natural gastritis treatments that you could consider to help give you some relief if you are suffering from this condition.

Dietary changes to treat gastritis

The best thing to do is to avoid eating foods that cause irritation in the stomach. Often, these are foods that are spicy or very acidic, so avoid eating them. A 2012 Natural Health Advisory article recommends that, in addition, you should try to rule out any food intolerances that might be behind gastritis. The article suggests that gastritis might be down to an allergy or irritation caused by one of these food groups:

* Gluten
* Dairy
* Soy
* Corn
* Eggs
* Nightshades, meaning potatoes, peppers and tomatoes, for example
* Nuts

They advise that you stop eating one group at a time to get a sense of which group or groups of foods could be causing you irritation in the stomach. If a group doesn’t give you any problems, you can naturally add it back into your diet.

Gastritis is often also worsened by processed foods or by a diet very rich in carbohydrates, so make a change and drop them out of your choices for your dietary gastritis treatment.

Foods to eat as gastritis treatment

Foods that you should include in your diet that will help relieve the inflammation in the stomach include a lot of healthy fibers, for example whole grain produce.6 You should also eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. There can be certain vegetables and fruits that may cause more irritation, so if you find something that causes pain, then drop it out of your menu.

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