Hormone Balancing Tips And Remedies For Women


Hormone Balancing Tips And Remedies For Women

Every month, women’s bodies experience changes in hormones. Estrogen and progesterone work in conjunction with other hormones to regulate a multitude of processes which affect the body, mind, and emotions.

Hormonal patterns also change greatly with pregnancy and at menopause. A healthy balance of hormones is essential for wellness.

Estrogen and Progesterone

Did you know that women’s bodies make three very different types of estrogen? Each type must be found in the proper proportions to each other for optimal wellness.

In addition to changing a girl’s body into a woman’s body and preparing the uterus to nurture an unborn child, estrogen provides many health benefits. Estrogen protects a woman’s body from heart disease and osteoporosis. Healthy levels of estrogen enhance sexual drive, lubricate the vagina, and aid in the production of breast milk.

An unhealthy balance of estrogen may result in infertility, hot flashes, uterine fibroids, and menstrual irregularities. Estrogen imbalance contributes to the development of breast and other cancers.

Progesterone is a partner with estrogen in maintaining health. Progesterone is essential for healthy menstrual patterns and for ensuring that an unborn baby matures well in the uterus. If progesterone levels are abnormal, discomfort, breast cancer and other undesirable effects, as well as conditions affecting the female reproductive system may result.

Why is Estrogen Imbalanced?

As girls are more frequently maturing earlier, their bodies are exposed to natural estrogen for more years than in the past. Plastics, pesticides, and other chemicals in the environment contain estrogen-like toxins. Synthetic estrogens, such as those used for birth control pills and to relieve menopausal symptoms, are very unhealthy. Meat and dairy animals are injected with hormones. Even fish contain abnormal estrogens due to pollutants in water.

What can Women do to have a Healthy Balance of Hormones?

Fortunately, there are strategies which women may employ in order to create a healthy balance of hormones.

Getting enough sleep and daily exercise is essential to proper hormone balance.

Eat a high fiber diet to prevent unhealthy estrogens from accumulating in the body and causing hormonal imbalances.

Purchase organic local products when available as the reproductive system is disrupted easily by environmental toxins.

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, bok choy, and cauliflower provide nutrients which help to detoxify the body. They contain nutrients which support healthy hormone function and prevent cancer development.

Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables daily. Berries are nutrient dense, high in fiber, and low in calories.

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