How To Naturally Reverse Atherosclerosis


How To Naturally Reverse Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a condition whereby your blood vessels, also known as arteries, get clogged and thicker. Fats and cholesterol build up in the arteries and cause plaque to appear. This reduces the blood flow in your body and can often lead to cardiovascular diseases.

It is possible to influence atherosclerosis with your lifestyle choices. You can naturally reverse atherosclerosis by taking care of your diet and making sure your cholesterol levels stay in balance.

There are some vitamins and minerals that you should consume in order to help reverse atherosclerosis. Here are the best ones.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is very important in helping the arteries get back into shape. It enhances circulation because it makes the arteries more flexible, thus reducing the hardness caused by plaque. For example, a 2003 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that vitamin E has strong antioxidant activity that can help to reverse atherosclerosis. Eat eggs, kidney beans and kale to get good amounts of vitamin E.

Vitamin C

Another important vitamin is vitamin C. This vitamin can help the body produce more collagen and this is needed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. A 2010 Livestrong article also notes that vitamin C can decrease the level of triglycerides in your body. These triglycerides are fats that contribute to the clogging of your arteries in atherosclerosis. Consume foods such as citrus fruits, avocados and spinach to get sufficient vitamin C.

The Mediterranean diet

You should also change your diet to a healthier one to naturally reverse atherosclerosis. This is especially important if you are overweight; in that case, losing weight is crucial in helping you overcome the condition and reduce your risk of heart conditions, for example suffering a heart attack. Many nutritionists recommend that you go on the Mediterranean diet to help reverse atherosclerosis.

For instance, a Natural News article from 2010 reports on a study which found that weight loss and improved artery health were best achieved by the Mediterranean diet. The article says that after two years of following this diet, participants experienced significant reductions in artery thickness. The diet also helped lower blood pressure and plaque and even helped diabetics control their blood sugar levels more effectively.

The Mediterranean diet includes eating whole grains, fish, olive oil, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. According to a University of Maryland Medical Center article from 2010, the diet is very low on saturated fats, which often are very harmful for the arteries. They also report on a different study that showed the benefits of the diet. In that study, participants with a history of heart attacks who were put on the Mediterranean diet had a reduction of almost 70% in future risk of heart attacks.

Cocoa for reversing atherosclerosis

A good dietary item that can help you reverse atherosclerosis is cocoa. According to a Life Extension report from 2008, cocoa is rich in polyphenol compounds, which are flavonoids that can improve circulatory health. The article reports that these flavonoids can “improve endothelial function by enhancing nitric oxide bioactivity, increasing blood flow, reducing the tendency of blood clot formation, reducing moderately high blood pressure and helping LDL resist oxidation”.

The article also reports of other studies that have found cocoa to be extremely useful in helping the blood vessels gain back their normal blood flow, and even helping to dilate them. This means cocoa would be useful in reversing atherosclerosis. You should include dark organic chocolate and cocoa oils into your diet to get the said benefits.

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