How To Prevent Headaches During Pregnancy


How To Prevent Headaches During Pregnancy

After the initial excitement of getting pregnant wears off, expectant mothers can be overwhelmed by the changes their body goes through. These physical and emotional adjustments can show up as headaches, and were the last thing you were expecting.

Headaches can be a common symptom of pregnancy due not only to the hormonal and nutritional demands, but also because of the dietary and lifestyle changes that are often required of pregnant mothers. Eliminating commonly recommended items such as caffeine or sugar can also be a cause of headaches.

Another thing that is not recommended during pregnancy is over-the-counter pain medications. So what can you do to relieve these headaches without resorting to a pill? If you don’t want to take over-the-counter medication for headaches during your pregnancy, the best solution in my opinion is to do what you can to prevent them.

So I can feel your overloaded to-do list creaking under the pressure of adding one more protocol, but I assure you that these recommendations are the ultimate in multi-tasking. Weaving a few moments in the day for a little self-care can significantly reduce not only headaches but also many other side effects of pregnancy.

Walk It Off

I know that sometimes the last thing you want to do when you’re pregnant is actually move. The extra weight, swelled feet and fatigue brought on by a pregnancy can make even a leisurely stroll seem like a marathon event, but actually a little exercise can be the best medicine for a headache.

* Keep active – Walk or do other light activity for at least 20 minutes per day to boost mood and energy level

* Let nature help – Go outside for small breaks of fresh air and sunshine to reduce exposure to indoor noise and excessive stimulation

* Stretch and release – Do a little yoga or stretching every few hours to reduce muscle tension

Exercise is a natural endorphin releaser and energy booster. That alone can be enough to take away more than just the headaches during a pregnancy, and help you face the rest of your day.

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