Make Your Home An Allergy “Trigger-Free Zone”


Make Your Home An Allergy “Trigger-Free Zone”

You know that feeling right before an allergy attack comes on – your eyes itch and water, your chest constricts, you feel like you’re going to break out in a rash or a panic.

When you have sensitivities to common environmental allergens, your body is constantly on the look-out for invaders. Everything from pets, mold and dust to perfumes and food additives can trigger an attack, and your whole world feels like a mine field.

At the start of each season, my clients tend to complain about allergies. In the spring it’s all the flowering and budding, the summer offers its hazy air quality and dry dusty days, with the onset of fall leaves and damp bring moldy conditions into play, and you can always count on the stale air of our homes and offices during the winter to launch our sensitivities from light to severe with the wag of Fido’s tail.

Rather than wave a white hanky and spend your days fending off attacks, go on the offensive and take charge of your environment. If you dedicate your efforts into eliminating the enemy at home, you will be better prepared to survive the triggers that cross your path once you step out the door. Here are some of the tactics that have helped my clients win the war on allergies.

Leave it at the Door

Just like you wouldn’t stomp through your house with muddy boots, don’t bring allergens into your home. All day while you’ve been out frolicking, you’ve been picking up the outside world like a giant Swiffer duster. As soon as you get home, leave your shoes at the door, change your clothes and wash your hands before touching anything. Keep surfaces free of dust, and shampoo furniture and carpets often. Wash sofa blankets and pillows once a season and vacuum draperies every month.

Air Quality Control

Investing in a quality air purifier can be a simple, economic way to ensure that the air in your home is safe for you to breathe. Look for a machine with a HEPA filter to clean pollen, mold and dander and be sure it can handle the square footage of your office or bedroom. Change the filters in your furnace and car frequently, and be sure to close windows on days when air quality is less than desirable.

Furry Friends

Most people who have pets suffer from allergies, but refuse to give up their faithful companions who can’t help leaving a blanket of fuzz everywhere they go. It’s possible to minimize the presence of animal allergens by regularly grooming your pets and washing your hands after handling or petting. Bathe dogs and cats once a week and brush them every other day to keep hair and dander under control. Designate areas of the house and pieces of furniture “pet-friendly” and clean often, while reserving other rooms and seating areas for humans only.

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