Natural Candida Remedies You Can Use At Home


Natural Candida Remedies You Can Use At Home

Candida is synonymous with yeast infections such as vaginal infections and oral infections such as thrush. Areas affected by candida infections often appear raw and red with a thick white exudate. The tissues are painful and itchy.

While most candida infections are not serious, they can become systemic and require hospitalization with strong antifungal agents. Thrush and vaginal infections are often recurrent.

Babies, menstruating and pregnant women, patients with HIV or undergoing chemotherapy, and diabetics are often plagued by candida. Let’s look at some candida remedies.

Many women are grateful that for the past couple of decades, in the US, a prescription is no longer needed to purchase over counter remedies for candida infections. Check your local drugstore for affordable ointments and suppositories which rapidly relieve the discomfort of vaginal infections.

Be sure to follow the instructions precisely. It is essential that you read the material regarding symptoms as the over the counter remedies work to destroy candida but do not kill other potentially serious infections of the vagina. If you have recurrent infections or if the treatment does not eradicate the symptoms of candida, check with your health care provider.

A health care provider will need to prescribe medication for babies with candida. They may get oral lesions in and surrounding the mouth which interfere with nutrition and cause pain.

Candida is responsible for serious diaper rashes. The diaper area is red, very tender and may have blisters present. Bleeding may occur in serious cases. This is to be avoided at all costs. If you use home remedies to treat a diaper infection and it gets worse or does not go away, seek medical attention. To prevent candida infections, change diapers as soon as they are wet or soiled. Even if the child has just urinated, wash the perineal region and buttocks area carefully before applying a new diaper. Allow your child to “air out” his or her bottom regularly.

Candida thrives in warm, dark, moist environments. Prevention focuses on encouraging cool, light, and dry environments. Exposure to sunshine, wearing loose fitting cotton underwear, lightweight clothing, and laundering clothes each time that they are worn are simple ways to prevent yeast infections. Simply hanging clothing out to dry in sunshine reduces candida as well – the UV light destroys the microorganisms.

Plain Yogurt

A home remedy for candida is plain yogurt. Eating it regularly ensures that the balance of yeast in the body, including the vagina, is kept within a healthy balance. If other treatments are not available, plain yogurt can be applied to a diaper rash or directly into the vagina to correct pH balance and provide soothing relief for a candida infection.

Pregnant women should try to eat yogurt with active cultures frequently for its multiple health benefits and its ability to reduce the likelihood of contracting a candida infection.

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