Natural Wart Removal – Effective Herbs And Herbal Remedies


Natural Wart Removal – Effective Herbs And Herbal Remedies

Did you know that warts are caused by viruses?

Natural wart removal includes the use of herbs to fight viruses, as well as herbs which are applied directly to the wart to hasten their removal.

Bananas Remove Warts!

Several world renowned herbalists recommend placing a small piece of the inner peel of a banana directly over a wart. You may secure the peel by placing a small gauze pad and tape or a small adhesive bandage over the area. Change the peel and dressing twice daily. The moisture from the peel, as well as compounds within it soften the wart and gradually make it disappear.

My Favorite Wart Remover

My favorite wart remover is the beautiful celandine plant. Its foliage is an exceptionally beautiful shade of green. The leaves are beautiful lace like shapes. They have a soft, unusual texture.

I gather celandine and use it fresh whenever anyone needs wart removal. You only need a leaf or two. A little goes a long way.

One of the most fascinating things about this lovely green plant is that it contains thick, intensely yellow, healing juices.

To use celandine, simply break open a leaf stem. Apply a drop or two of the liquid directly to the wart. Repeat this two to four times daily. Within a couple of days, the wart begins to soften and erode. I have had warts disappear within days by using celandine.

Thuja is a Potent Wart Remover

Thuja, sometimes called western hemlock or arborvitae, is a strong herb which hastens wart removal. Make a poultice by combining a teaspoonful of powdered dried twigs with aloe gel to make a thick paste. I like to add one fourth of a teaspoon of powdered slippery elm inner bark to the blend as it improves the consistency. Aloe destroys viruses and other microorganisms. It is soothing to the tissues as well.

Apply a small amount of the paste to the wart twice daily. Keep it covered with a small bandage.

Thuja is a very potent herb. It destroys microorganisms and shrinks warts.

If you do not want to make up a poultice, you may use the essential oil. It is not as messy. Simply add two drops of the essential oil to one teaspoon of olive oil. Apply directly to the wart twice each day.

Other essential oils which are used for wart removal include tea tree, cajeput, peppermint, myrrh and clove. Tea tree oil may be applied directly to the wart. Dilute the other oils as directed above for thuja oil.

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