Potential Dandelion Side Effects, Adverse Reactions And Contraindications


Potential Dandelion Side Effects, Adverse Reactions And Contraindications

Dandelion is a great herb that has many health benefits. It is often used to help with kidney problems, gallbladder issues and even joint problems. It is diuretic and can help with many digestive problems as well.

This herb is relatively safe to use but there are some potential dandelion side effects, adverse reactions and contraindications that should be kept in mind when it is consumed.

Allergic reaction

One dandelion side effect is that it can cause an allergic reaction. This may result in skin rash and itching. In more severe cases of allergic reaction, it is possible to experience problems with breathing and swelling in the throat, for instance. If this occurs, it is advisable to contact your healthcare provider.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center reporting in 2011, your risk of being allergic to dandelion is high if you are also allergic to the following:

* Ragweed
* Chrysanthemums
* Marigold
* Chamomile
* Yarrow
* Daisies
* Iodine

Thus, if you are allergic to the above, you may want to avoid using the herb. Dandelion may also cause slight skin irritation if used topically. Test a small amount on your skin before excess use to make sure you don’t experience an adverse reaction.

Lower blood sugar levels

According to the EVitamins website, dandelion has been found to influence blood sugar levels. Thus, consuming the dandelion herb if you suffer from diabetes should be discussed with your healthcare provider. You should also avoid use if you are using any other blood sugar lowering supplements or foods.

According to a 2011 article on Home Remedies How, dandelion consumption can even cause hypoglycemia. It can therefore cause problems like “visual disturbances, confusion, anxiety, hunger, sweating, heart palpitations and tremors”.

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