Potential Garlic Side Effects, Adverse Reactions And Contraindications


Potential Garlic Side Effects, Adverse Reactions And Contraindications

Garlic has thousands of years of history in being a central part in both medicinal and culinary use in human consumption. Garlic can be made into various supplements including dried, aged or oil versions, with the majority of them providing the common health benefits of garlic.

Adding garlic into the diet is very easy because of this; there is surely a garlic product for everyone to enjoy.

Garlic is commonly used to boost the immune system, strengthen the heart, and reduce cholesterol. It is also considered to be helpful in preventing cancer cells from forming and growing. While it’s considered very safe to use, there are a few potential garlic side effects, adverse reactions and contraindications that should be considered.

Digestion problems

Garlic can cause stomach pain or even some nausea, especially if it has been used in excess. In some cases, diarrhoea can occur. The digestive symptoms are more common in cases of use of raw garlic.

Allergic reaction

Although a very uncommon symptom, in some cases, garlic has been found to cause allergic reaction. The common symptoms of allergic reaction include hives, itching, and in severe cases the swelling of your throat or lips. If this garlic side effect occurs, it is advised to contact a healthcare professional.

Increased risk of bleeding

Perhaps the most serious garlic side effects include its blood thinning qualities. Excess use or use with other blood thinning herbs or foods can increase your risk of extensive bleeding. Avoid using garlic if you are using other supplements for this reason. Thus, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends that garlic should not be used in cases of surgery for up to two weeks before and after.

Garlic breath and body odour

Garlic is often disliked because of the distinct smell it has. Eating fresh garlic and consuming some garlic extract will also leave this smell in your body odor and your breath. These are more cosmetic problems and can be avoided by either not using garlic in excess, or by counter-balancing the smell by for example eating a small piece of parsley after consuming garlic. Most garlic supplements in pill form also don’t leave the same odour present in your breath.

Reactions with other ingredients

There are a few supplements and chemicals that may react in a negative way with garlic. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, garlic should be avoided if the following is used:

* Isoniazid
* Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
* Saquinavir

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

There haven’t been conclusive studies done regarding the use of garlic during pregnancy or breastfeeding. But it is considered safe to use in moderate amounts, especially for example in cooking.

Handling large amounts of raw garlic can irritate your skin and cause a burning sensation, so it is best to avoid this.

Garlic is considered to be a healthy herb and food that should be part of a healthy diet. You can prevent the possible few garlic side effects by consuming it in small amounts; excess use of anything often easily leads to negative symptoms.

Testing your body gently for any allergic reactions before use will prevent you from any unwanted problems. The health benefits of garlic are far greater than the possible negative effects, so the few potential garlic side effects and adverse reactions shouldn’t stop you from using this amazing herb.

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