Simple And Effective Home Remedies For Gout


Simple And Effective Home Remedies For Gout

When you’re suffering from the stabbing, throbbing pain of gout, you want instant relief, not just a list of home remedies. However, the lifestyle choices that you have made over many years that contribute to your symptoms can’t just disappear overnight.

My clients who suffer from gout often are surprised that I send them home with a laundry list of tasks that will help them manage their pain themselves. They often want me to do the healing for them, but in this case, the things you can do at home will prove much more beneficial than anything else.

The following remedies can be done alone as needed to reduce flare-ups and manage pain, or together as a treatment plan for when symptoms are at their worst. Consistency is important in managing your health and a little investment in self-care can go a long way.

Juice Cleanse

When you’re in pain you may be anxious to get the healing started, but it’s important to remember to be gentle with your body when doing a cleansing protocol of any type. Give yourself a few days before and after to ease into and out of it gently, and be prepared to feel a little icky, as you will be releasing more toxins than normal during this process.

* Reduce the foods that cause gout immediately

* Drink extra water daily to help your body flush toxins

* Increase raw food intake for three days before juice cleanse and continue to eat lightly during cleanse

* Choose fresh celery, cherries or blueberries and juice with apples, 3x per day for three days

* Slowly re-introduce healthy options and continue eating lots of raw foods

* Repeat once monthly or when symptoms are severe

Follow up a cleansing period with some down time to recover. When your body is healing it needs extra rest and attention to rebuild its immune system and energy reserves.

Detoxifying Foot Baths

The piercing pain of gout can be just uncomfortable to downright unbearable, but if you start to give your feet a little extra care, your symptoms may reside. Doing a foot detox at a spa can cost big bucks, but you can treat yourself to a treatment at home for a lot less.

* Fill a small tub with warm or hot water and a one cup of Epsom salts.

* Add several drops of essential oils such as birch, geranium or fennel if you like.

* Immerse feet in tub and relax for 15-20 minutes

* Follow with castor oil pack

Sometimes just sitting down and giving our body some rest and extra care is the most powerful component in healing. Give yourself time to relax and really let these home remedies do their work.

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