Some Risk Factors And Causes Of Depression


Some Risk Factors And Causes Of Depression

Neurotransmitter Imbalance or Deficiency

One theory held regarding depression is that the condition is caused by imbalances or deficiencies in certain neurotransmitters in the brain. This was actually “accidentally” discovered, when drugs used for other health ailments were found to also influence moods, either positively or negatively. It was found that this took place because those drugs influenced the levels of various neurotransmitters in the brain.

Indeed, it is often found that depression sufferers have some form of neurotransmitter imbalance or deficiency. What has not been clearly established, however, is which the cause is and which the effect is. Saying that neurotransmitter imbalance or deficiency causes depression is a bit like saying lactic acid buildup causes muscle fatigue – the true question is, what caused the lactic acid buildup or the neurotransmitter imbalance / deficiency in the first place?

Again, there are still many questions to answer, and Man has much more to learn about the various chemicals in the human brain, what their functions are, and how these compounds interact to produce various physiological and psychological effects.

Some Contributing Risk Factors

Research has suggested that the following are contributing risk factors which could increase a person’s risk of developing depression.

* A person who has previously suffered depression is more likely to get a relapse.

* Family history predisposes a person to depressive conditions. This seems to be especially relevant for bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression.

* Young women who are in the lower income brackets are at higher risk of depression.

* Single mothers, due to social isolation and increased stress and responsibilities, have a higher chance of becoming depressed.

* Persons who are divorced, widowed, or in unhappy marriages are more likely to suffer from depression. Single persons have higher risk, too.

* Childhood issues often increase one’s risk of becoming depressed. These include any kind of abuse (physical, mental, sexual) as a child, or even the loss of a parent during childhood.

* A highly stressful lifestyle can lead to depression.

* Grief arising from loss of a loved one is a possible trigger of depression.

* Financial hardship or struggles is a possible cause of depression.

* Hormonal fluctuations in women, especially during particularly sensitive times like puberty and after childbirth, could well be a cause of depression in females.

* Nutritional deficiencies arising from a poor diet could lead to depression.

* Certain illnesses are linked to depression as well.

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