Strains And Sprains – What They Are And What To Do


Strains And Sprains – What They Are And What To Do

Sprains and strains are common injuries.

Sprains are usually caused by a twisting motion which causes damage to ligaments, the connective tissue which connects muscle to bone. Strains are injuries to muscles and the protective sheath which surrounds them. The sheath is called fascia.


Sprains may be minor or serious. There are three categories of sprains. A minor sprain involves just a few fibers of a ligament. Pain and swelling is usually mild. A second degree tear involves more tissue, which results in an increased level of pain and swelling. If a ligament is completely torn, it is known as a third degree sprain. Pain and swelling may be intense. You may even be able to feel a gap between the tissues of the bone and the muscle if you palpate the area.

All of these injuries occur to areas which contain rich supplies of nerves and blood vessels. As a result, pain and swelling are present, no matter what degree of injury has occurred. Bruising is usually evident as well. The most common sprains include wrist injuries and sprained ankles.

Generally, sprains are fully healed within two to six weeks. A severe sprain may result in an avulsion fracture. A piece of the bone that the ligament is attached to is wrenched off. Sometimes sprains may cause excessive bleeding into the joint itself. The lining of the joint may be damaged. Joints may become dislocated due to sprains.


Strains to muscles may occur due to overuse or as a result of using a muscle more vigorously than it is accustomed to. A serious strain may cause a muscle to completely rupture. An example of a muscle strain is a sore back due to lifting heavy boxes.

The fascia is a tough connective tissue which encloses an entire muscle as well as individual muscle fibers. It attaches to bone. Fascia may also be damaged when a muscle is strained.

Strains generally resolve on their own. The length of healing time varies from a couple of days to a few weeks depending upon the extent of the injury.

Prevention of Sprains and Strains

Stretching and warm-up activities prior to vigorous exercise help to prevent sprains and strains. Using proper body mechanics for lifting and transferring heavy objects is essential. Lift using your large muscles of your legs and arms, not the small muscles of your back. If lifting, assume a wide stance. Squat, don’t bend. Avoid jerking movements while lifting. Wear proper footwear. Do not be a weekend warrior. Know your limits. Build up endurance slowly.

Some experts advise wrapping at-risk joints, such as ankles, with elastic bandages prior to and during vigorous exercise. I generally do not, as I believe that the support gives a false sense of security. Check with your health care provider or trainer for personal recommendations.

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