The Shocking Truth About Your Fluoridated Water


The Shocking Truth About Your Fluoridated Water

Fluoride and teeth / bones

The long term use of fluoridated water, especially in areas where there is abundance in naturally occurring fluoride, have been found to make teeth weak, as well as bones brittle and more susceptible to fractures [2, 5].

Data collated by the World Health Organization found no difference in tooth decay rates between countries that fluoridated water versus countries that did not [5]. Other researchers found that on the contrary, fluoridated cities had higher cavity rates than cities that do not add fluoride to their waters. Researchers explained that the higher tooth decay rate was a result of dental fluorosis. [4]

Fluoride and other problems

There are other problems that long term fluoride use brings.

Accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland affects melatonin production (and melatonin is a hormone implicated in the body’s sleep / wake cycle), the onset of puberty (excess fluoride contributes to early onset [2, 5]), as well in depression and cancer [6].

Besides melatonin, fluoride also impacts on other endocrine glands in the body. For example, it suppresses the thyroid gland [2, 7] and can bring about hypothyroidism, a condition characterized by depressed energy levels, suppressed immunity, lowered sex drive and unexplained weight increase.

Fluoride increases the accumulation of aluminum in the brain and lead in the blood. Such accumulation contributes to heavy metal toxicity in the body [5], which is in turn linked to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and autism [8].

Fluoride can do much damage to the human brain, especially those of fetuses. Learning and memory impairments have been connected to fluoride use. Fluoride has also been found to lower immunity, by suppressing the production of antibodies in the blood. [5]

Fluoride and cancer

Fluoride, even at low concentrations (such as the levels used in water supplies), can be cancer causing. A 2005 study by the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water contributed directly to bone cancer in young boys. It found that “boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of 5 and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – bone cancer – between the ages of 10 and 19”. [3]

The link between fluoride and cancer appears to be in the ability of fluoride to damage enzymes involved in DNA repair, which are in turn critical in the prevention of cancer. [4]

In fact, fluoride was listed as one of the “Top 10 Common Household Toxins” by Time Magazine on 12 April 2010, and described as both “neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed”. [3]

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