Top Gout Causing Foods To Avoid


Top Gout Causing Foods To Avoid

Gout has been traditionally thought of as a primarily “rich man’s” disease because the dietary choices that contribute to gout have been traditionally those of higher financial status with over 90% of those who suffer from gout being male.

Times have changed and these amenities of the wealthy have been processed cheaply and become widely available to the less wealthy over the years, and consequently gout is more common these days than ever.

The symptoms of gout are caused by uric acid buildup, which causes painful inflammation where it settles in the joints. Uric acid is a by-product of eating foods rich in organic compounds called purines, but it is not harmful in itself. However, when your body cannot eliminate the amounts of acid being produced from the breakdown of certain foods, the excess can lead to swollen, sensitive joints and even joint damage if not treated properly. Severe attacks of gout can be extremely painful, but can be managed by reducing the intake of uric acid producing food in your diet.

When I talk to my clients about their dietary choices, they immediately get defensive. They either try to deny or rationalize what they put in their mouths, because they truly do not want to have to get real about what they are (or have been) eating. The good news is that you don’t need to eliminate these foods entirely – just be more mindful and moderate about what you consume.

The biggest culprits are cured or organ meats, canned fish products and breads or alcohols containing yeast. When you look at your diet, even if you don’t eat the meat out of a can stuff, chances are you do eat bread or drink beer. If you limit your consumption of the following groups of foods, you will notice a decrease in frequency and severity of gout attacks, and be able to enjoy them once in a while.

Animal Products

These foods are high in purine content and are the first things to eliminate from your diet if you suffer from gout. The more processed and preserved something is, the more you should avoid it.

* Organ meats
* Consommé
* Herring
* Meat gravies and broths
* Turkey
* Bacon

There are probably few people who eat organ meats on a regular basis these days, but a turkey bacon sandwich is probably on the menu. Again, consume these foods in extreme moderation; noticing a link between eating certain foods and flare ups is a good sign that your body can’t handle it.


It seems that if you can put it in a can and preserve it, it will cause a gout flare-up. While all types of fish are not high in purines, these are the major sea-dwellers to keep off the menu, and keep your joints pain-free.

* Anchovies
* Mackerel
* Shellfish
* Mussels
* Sardines
* Trout

Good alternatives to this would be salmon, cod or halibut, as they can protect your joints from damage. Always make good seafood choices and enjoy in moderation.

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