Using Herbs As A Natural Remedy For Constipation


Using Herbs As A Natural Remedy For Constipation

Constipation causes many people to feel uncomfortable, heavy, and sluggish. Efficient elimination is essential to relieve distress and to enhance the health of the entire body. If waste products are not eliminated efficiently, illness may occur.

Proper bowel function aids the health of the entire body. It results in lowered cholesterol levels, clearer skin and a healthy liver. Fortunately, natural remedies are available to relieve constipation, making constipation a thing of the past and increasing your vitality.

Herbs relieve constipation by several methods. Some add bulk to the stool. Others prevent the stool from drying out and becoming hard to evacuate. Herbs, such as burdock root and dandelion root, promote the release of bile and enhance liver function which results in healthy bowel function. Some herbs are stimulants which stimulate contractions of the intestines and reduce the time it takes for the stool to travel through the intestines and out of the body.

Herbs which Add Moisture and Bulk

Herbs which form the first line of defense against constipation are herbs that provide moisture and bulk to the stool. Flax seed is my favorite choice. Include two to four tablespoons of freshly ground flax seed in your diet each day. Grind it in a coffee grinder. Add it to a smoothie or cereal.

Keep your flax seed in the refrigerator as the healthy oils can turn rancid otherwise. I do not recommend the use of flax meal as many of the healing benefits of flax are markedly diminished once the seed is ground.

Be sure to have a large beverage with your flax seed. The seeds have a mucilaginous coating which swells when wet. It moistens the stool. In addition to preventing constipation, flax seed offers a multitude of health benefits for your entire body.

Do not take flax at the same time as medications as it may interfere with absorption of the medicines. I do mix flax with other herbs when making my daily smoothie. I probably do lose a bit of their goodness, but this way I am sure to get at least some benefits of the other nutritional herbs which I consume.

Another herbal food which softens the stool and adds bulk is apple pectin powder. Add a tablespoon to a warm drink prior to each meal. It is inexpensive and well tolerated. Unfortunately, apple pectin powder can be difficult to dissolve. You may choose to mix it in yogurt or applesauce instead of drinking it. Some practitioners suggest drinking apple pectin powder before meals to prevent overeating.

This is not the pectin found in the canning and preserving sections of grocery and hardware stores. Purchase apple pectin powder from an herbalist.

Herbs that Tone the Digestive Tract and Promote Bile Flow

Dandelions are herbal bitters. Herbal bitters tone the digestive tract and promote the flow of bile. Dandelions are rich sources of many vitamins and minerals. Dandelion roots are mild laxatives. As dandelion roots enhance elimination and hepatic health, they are beneficial for healing disorders of the skin as well as relieving constipation.

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