Why We Should All Be Eating A Diet Of Natural Whole Foods


Why We Should All Be Eating A Diet Of Natural Whole Foods

Does your daily diet contain mainly natural whole foods or processed foods? As far as health is concerned, whole foods should really be the way to go.

The following article was first written and published on another website in 2008 and shares some thoughts on the issue.

A Whole Food Diet – some thoughts

In the last couple of centuries, our diet has changed drastically, moving away from a largely whole food diet containing many fresh and natural whole foods, and replacing them with a whole selection of refined and processed foods.

In the same period, the rates of serious chronic, degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, etc in first world countries have skyrocketed and are continuing to rise.

Go to any society where most of the people still consume a diet containing a majority of natural whole foods, and we will find that their rates of such killer diseases are very much lower, if not non-existent.

This is no coincidence at all.

You see, when compared with their refined and processed counterparts, the foods in a whole food diet come with many health benefits. As we strip away the wholeness of such foods, we literally remove the wholesome goodness with which they come with.

It all makes sense, doesn’t it? Human beings and many other animals live on this Earth. Alongside us, many foods grow on trees and under the ground – fruits, roots, vegetables, nuts, etc. Surely these foods would suffice in providing all of us the optimal nutrition which we need? After all, they had done so for thousands of years.

But human beings, being supposedly more intelligent (in some ways, that is largely questionable, but that is another debate altogether…), have, for the sake of convenience and our taste buds, tampered greatly with our food supply.

We refine our foods, stripping away vital nutrients and creating imbalances. For example, refined sugar and refined grains have high glycemic index values, wreaking havoc with blood sugar and insulin levels in the body.

We cook most, if not all, of our food, destroying a lot of its nutrients and creating harmful substances in the process. Click here to read about the health benefits of raw plant foods.

..read on..

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