Uses And Health Benefits Of Zinc Supplements


Uses And Health Benefits Of Zinc Supplements

Zinc is an essential mineral which plays many important roles in human health. And zinc supplements could help with certain health conditions and ailments, especially when deficiency is involved.

The main uses of zinc supplements apply to the following situations and conditions:

* acne
* alcoholism
* Alzheimer‘s disease
* anorexia nervosa
* antioxidant properties
* benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) or prostate enlargement
* boils
* cadmium toxicity
* cancer prevention
* cataracts
* colds
* decreased hearing
* environmental sensitivities and allergies
* fatigue
* gastric ulcers
* heart disease symptoms
* hypertension
* immune suppression and improving immune function
* impotence
* infections
* infertility
* macular degeneration
* male sexual issues and boosting male sexual function
* old age
* pregnancy
* prostate health and prostate conditions, eg prostate congestion
* psoriasis
* rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory health ailments
* schizophrenia
* sexual health and sexual conditions
* skin conditions
* skin ulcers
* smell and taste senses
* sore throats
* surgery recovery
* teeth health
* weak muscles
* white spots on fingernails
* Wilson’s disease
* wound healing
* zinc deficiency

More details on some of the above ailments are discussed below.


Some double-blind studies have shown that zinc helps with the treatment of acne. According to Michael T Murray, ND, these studies revealed that zinc produced results which were comparable to tetracycline in superficial acne, and better results when it came to deeper acne.

Generally speaking, zinc citrate and zinc gluconate produced results similar to tetracycline, while zinc sulfate produced fewer benefits as it is not as well absorbed. Most improvements were noted after 12 weeks of taking zinc supplements. Dosages mentioned ranged from 30 mg to 45 mg daily.

Alzheimer’s disease

Zinc deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies in elderly persons and could be a major factor in Alzheimer’s disease.

In one study, 27 mg of zinc every day helped 8 out of 10 patients experience improved memory, communication, understanding and social contact. One 79-year-old even experienced “unbelievable” improvement, as described by family members and medical staff. Other research in Germany also showed similar excellent outcomes.

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