Why Organic Foods Cost More, Why They Are Worth It, And How To Lower Their Cost


Why Organic Foods Cost More, Why They Are Worth It, And How To Lower Their Cost

Think about it. If we consider the price of foods in relation to their quality and nutrient content, then the relative organic food cost is really not that high anymore. This is because organic foods have better nutrient concentrations that their non-organic counterparts. They also have higher dry mass content, as supposed to higher water concentrations in commercially farmed produce.

A direct consequence of the better nutrient content is that your body is better satisfied, nutritionally speaking, and you thus feel hungry less often and need less food to get by.

The main reason why obesity is such a big problem today is that most people are eating a lot of refined foods of very little or practically no nutritional value. The body is not nutritionally fulfilled and thus keeps sending hunger signals, and the person continues to eat more empty calories – cakes, white breads, potato chips, sugary snacks, etc. The results – spiraling weight, obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.

By making organic foods the main part of your entire diet, you will find that you will need to eat less – this results in monetary savings. On top of that, when you cut down on junk foods, you will also save some money. When you take these savings into account, then the impact of organic food costs will not seem so severe.

It is my view that when one takes personality responsibility and begins to adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet – of course, this goes beyond merely eating organic foods – then one will naturally become stronger and healthier. In the long run, more savings – on doctor visits, drugs, surgeries, etc – will result.

Lowering absolute organic food costs

In terms of absolute dollars, yes, organic foods still cost more than most conventional foods today. However, we could take some simple steps to reduce one’s personal organic food cost outlay.

Firstly, and very significantly, buy locally grown organic produce. Not only would they be cheaper, they are also fresher and possibly healthier.

I live in a climate where carrots, apples and oranges cannot be grown. Thus, I purchase imported produce, which costs a lot more – I’m also paying for the storage, shipping, etc.

In addition, by carrying out your purchases at local farmers’ markets, you are skipping middlemen, thus further lowering your expenses. When I purchase locally grown organic fruits and vegetables, my organic food costs are actually not much higher than if I had purchased commercially grown produce.

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