An In-Depth Discussion On Natural Health And Healing


An In-Depth Discussion On Natural Health And Healing

Natural Health Healing is Usually Relatively Inexpensive or Even Free – Conventional medicine / common opinion is profit-driven.

Drug companies provide funding to hospitals, universities, medical journals, and even to the media and government agencies. They thus control many aspects of medical care, including what is taught to medical doctors, what methods medical doctors are allowed to use and prescribe, what studies are conducted, which studies are publicized, what is written in medical journals, what is legal medical practice and what is not, etc.

And these companies are basically profit (i.e. money) driven. This means there is a serious conflict of interest in medical care in the first world today, whereby many legal and mainstream treatments and drugs, despite being very expensive but often ineffective and even dangerous, are continually used.

Natural health and healing, on the other hand, is usually more interested in the overall wellbeing of human beings.

Many natural health modalities, although much more effective, are free, or at least, much cheaper than drugs and surgeries.

And, don’t forget, many drugs are made based on herbs in the first place.

How Holistic Healing Works – applying the methods, sometimes without knowing how they work – Conventional medicine / common opinion wants to know how things work. This explains all the “scientific” experiments and double-blind studies. It is also always trying to find a SPECIFIC cure for a particular disease, which often does NOT exist.

Natural health and healing is interested in what works, and applying it to achieve the best results. Often, it uses information and methods which have been known and used by human beings for thousands of years, and sometimes can be derived simply through basic common sense.

In reality, human beings know very, very little of how the human body actually works and what goes on in there, so it is very difficult to try and isolate specific substances and causes and link them to their effects, or to try to totally understand how certain processes in the body work.

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