An In-Depth Discussion On Natural Health And Healing


An In-Depth Discussion On Natural Health And Healing

Modern medicine and science, contrary to what it tries to portray and what many believe, is really not that smart. This fact is painfully obvious.

As mentioned earlier, modern medicine is profit-driven. It’s not going to be possible to patent water or sunlight, or make them into drugs.

It is thus going to be difficult to have large-scale “scientific” studies carried out, outlining the benefits of drinking more water. Such studies are expensive, and there has to be a way for the funders of such studies, most of which are drug companies, to make their money back, and more.

Another reason for natural health seeming more difficult to “prove” is that natural health and healing involves making holistic changes to one’s lifestyle. This makes things impossible to evaluate because modern medicine always wants to know which specific substance it was which did what.

Quite frankly, when I make 20 to 30 changes to my life and, slowly but surely, my diseases go away and I become healthier and healthier, I don’t really care which method or food it was which contributed how much to which improvements. I’m just healthy, and very happy about it.

Even if only one factor were being evaluated, it is impossible to design and execute a perfectly controlled experiment. Firstly, it is simply not possible to hold all other factors constant i.e. ceteris paribus.

In addition, it frequently occurs that when a particular drug is evaluated for a particular disease, e.g. lung cancer, the patient dies halfway through due to another condition e.g. heart failure. Is this case then considered as part of the “failed” group? Well, that depends on who is reporting the results.

In evaluating natural health modalities, controlled studies are increasingly being used, particularly outcomes studies. More significantly, though, the observation of the healing process through time is carried out by naturopathic or holistic healers.

Broadly speaking, the safety and efficacy of many natural health modalities have been proven through generations of wide use by various populations of the world.

And further living proof is offered by the thousands of people worldwide who have been cured of supposedly terminal or incurable conditions, and those who are reveling in their new-found healthy lives.

Some would say these are only anecdotal information. But, to me, they are just information – information of sick people getting well. Anecdotal they might be, but, when there is enough of such information, they cannot be discounted or dismissed.

Of course, it is unwise to hinge one’s health and recovery on dodgy ideas and methods. At the end of the day, trust your instinct and your common sense, and listen to that voice within you. If someone is telling you that stress reduction can greatly improve your immunity, that makes sense. If someone is telling you that getting some daily sunshine is going to improve your health, that makes sense too, considering humans have lived under the sun for thousands of years and have only become largely confined indoors in recent times. But if someone is trying to sell you a rock for a large sum of money and claiming that that rock can cure all your maladies without any other effort needed, your alarm bells should be going off.

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