Important Health Benefits Of The Chaparral Herb


Important Health Benefits Of The Chaparral Herb

Traditionally used by Native American tribes, the chaparral herb originated from South America and is now mainly found in Mexico and Southwest parts of the US.

The plant is also known as creosote bush or stinkweed because of the smell it creates when it rains. It is a thorny bush that grows small yellow blossoms that turn into white seed pods. It has a very bitter taste to it that keeps the dessert animals away from eating it.

It is the leaves and small flowers of the chaparral plant that are used as herbs to treat various health conditions. Chaparral’s main ingredient is nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), which is a powerful antioxidant; due to its high amounts of NDGA, there are a lot of health benefits of the chaparral herb.

Anti-cancer herb

Due to its high NDGA content, the chaparral herb has been studied extensively with regard to cancer treatment. The San Diego Moores Cancer Center states on its website that NDGA is thought to prevent tumour growth by breaking down the glucose that produces energy for cancer cells. Having chaparral herbal tea or chewing the plant occasionally may help increase NDGA in the blood and help in fighting off cancer cells.

Hair growth and anti-dandruff benefits

There is some research done looking into chaparral’s possible benefits to hair growth. A 2011 paper published in the Argentinian Medical Journal found evidence to support this in animal studies. In the review, they found that hair growth was increased when the supplement was introduced. The anti-fungal properties also help in preventing dandruff from appearing. The chaparral herb can be taken orally in the form of pills or rubbed onto the scalp and hair to help receive the benefits to hair growth.

Anti-fungal and detoxifying properties

NDGA is also a very good anti-inflammatory chemical and there are anti-fungal properties found in chaparral. It is effective in removing heavy metals from the body and in cleaning out toxins.

It cleanses the blood effectively and thus is a good herb to use during blood detoxification. It does so by moving the lymphatic system and drawing toxins out of the blood cells.

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