Natural Health Involves Doing What Works, Without Always Knowing How They Work


Natural Health Involves Doing What Works, Without Always Knowing How They Work

And that one seed can one day become millions of seeds! But we need to sow that seed.

We would also know that no tree would appear if we tried to plant the wrong things, for example a flower, a twig, a pill, or a french fry.

So much about creating good health is similar – we just need to sow the seeds, and then allow the tree to flourish.

Also, much of science and conventional medicine as we know today is profit-driven. And many things in life, and specifically in healthcare, are just not profitable to prove. So nobody goes out to prove them.

In addition, many of natural health‘s methods are not evaluated or cannot be evaluated because a person often has to make holistic changes to his or her diet and lifestyle.

This is very unlike conventional medicine, which often tries to find a specific substance which, on its own, is the magic bullet and cures or controls a particular disease. Such magic bullets rarely exist.

That’s not how holistic healing works – holistic medicine and healing comes as a whole package. It is thus difficult, and probably impossible, to zoom in and give the scientific proof on natural health methods which many people desire.

Tradition and age-old wisdom have passed down the essence of how holistic healing works

One critical point to note is that much of natural health and healing is based on knowledge and information which has been around and carried down for hundreds or thousands of years. This had been obtained through years and years of experimentation, practice and documentation. That forms the core essence of traditional healing methods.

Just because the information handed down is not presented in the exact way that modern science and medicine demand “scientific” information, studies or research to be, does not mean that all this knowledge has suddenly become passé and can be wiped out and declared as old wives’ tales or quackery.

After all, modern science and medicine as we know today has only been around for a couple of centuries, while “science” is also very much defined by Man.

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