Using Homeopathy For Your Ailments


Using Homeopathy For Your Ailments

As such, it is advised that when using homeopathy, individuals with severe conditions should refrain from self-prescribing homeopathic remedies, especially those with high potency. It is best to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

Homeopathy takes on a holistic view of the individual and specifies that illness is specific to the individual. Hence, you can expect that homeopathic treatment for different individuals is different. For example, there are over 200 symptom patterns associated with headaches in homeopathy, and hence there are over 200 corresponding homeopathic remedies for headaches [1].

As such, when addressing physical issues or mental/emotional issues through homeopathic treatment, the process of identifying the most effective homeopathic remedy for any individual can involve many hours of case-taking and several tries in order to match the correct remedy to the individual. Along the way as the patient recovers and symptoms change, the matching homeopathic remedy may also have to change for recovery to be complete. [2]

Types of Homeopathic Remedies

Here is a brief introduction to the categories of homeopathic remedies and how they are used.

Constitutional versus disease-oriented remedies

Constitutional or classical homeopathy is a practice that is developed from Hahnemann’s homeopathic theory. It is more holistic and examines the “symptom picture” (i.e. psychological, emotional, physical and hereditary information) of the person who is ill, before identifying a homeopathic remedy that best suits the individual. [1]

On the other hand, disease-oriented or symptomatic homeopathy is a more recent and simplified form, in which remedies are given based solely on a specific disease. [1]

Standard versus isopathic remedies and nosodes

Standard homeopathic remedies use unrelated substances that trigger a similar symptom in a healthy person. Conversely, isopathic remedies and nosodes use substances directly related to the condition. [1]

Isopathic remedies are made from the very substances (though at very high dilution) that bring about the conditions they seek to treat. For example, homeopathically prepared cat dander can be used to address allergy to cats. [1]

Nosodes are made from infected animal tissues or bodily secretions. For example a homeopathic remedy containing tuberculosis-infected glands from a cow could be used for tuberculosis in humans. [1]

Single versus combination remedies

When it comes to using homeopathic remedies, some practitioners prefer the system of using a single remedy per patient. This means that at any one point, they only use a single homeopathic remedy for each patient, and this remedy best matches the patient’s symptoms at that point in time. In general, this system is considered to be more effective than the latter system (i.e. combination remedies), but it would require a knowledgeable practitioner to be able to identify the single remedy that best matches the symptoms. [2]

The other system used is that of combination remedies. In this case, practitioners may prescribe a homeopathic formula containing two or more homeopathic remedies. Such combination formulas are commonly found in health food stores or pharmacies, and can be used for common conditions like colds, flu, teething, colic etc. However, the effectiveness of a formula might be limited if the remedy that the patient requires is not one of the constituents of the formula. [2]

Cell salts

Dr Schussler of Germany pointed out that there are twelve inorganic minerals that are key components of cells. Deficiencies or imbalances in these minerals then lead to diseases. As such, homeopathic cell salts then seek to correct these imbalances, restoring the proper structure and functions of cells (and tissues and organs), and stimulating the cells to assimilate nutrients more effectively. [2]

While these cell salts may not always address ailments directly, they can be useful for addressing underlying causes. For example, where the cause of depression is iron deficiency, Ferrum Phosphoricum cell salt (a homeopathic dilution of iron) could be used for addressing poor iron assimilation in the cells, as such bringing relief to the mineral-deficiency-linked-depression.

See next page for the references used.

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