What Is Organic Food?


What Is Organic Food?

What is organic food? – General explanation for animal-based food products

Organically farmed animals are those raised without the use of antibiotics, drugs, artificial hormones, steroids, or other chemicals.

They must not be the offspring of cloned or genetically modified animals.

They are raised on open farmland and allowed to move and roam freely, getting their dose of fresh air and sunshine, as all animals should. They are also fed clean and healthy organic foods. Organic meat must also not be irradiated or processed with harmful chemicals.

Commercially farmed animals are usually raised in cramped and filthy conditions, hemmed in and locked up practically like prisoners. They are also often fed unclean foods, including the innards of other animals, which are sometimes diseased.

Processed commercial meat almost always contains sodium nitrate, which is a potent carcinogen.

Animal-based food products, such as dairy products and eggs, must come from animals which are raised in this manner.

“Free-range meat” means meat which came from animals which were allowed to roam, while “cage-free eggs” means eggs which came from hens which were not kept in cages; however, neither of these terms necessarily means that the food is organic.

What is organic food? – General explanation for processed food products

In addition to the above, organic processed foods, such as breads, crackers, chips, pastas, soups, etc, are free from chemical preservatives and additives, and a minimum amount of its ingredients (usually 95%) must be organically produced.

Its ingredients must not be irradiated, genetically modified, or ripened artificially using chemicals.

Conclusion – what are organic foods?

What is organic food? In short, organic food is clean, safe, health-promoting, contain no synthetic chemicals, and grown in a way that is natural as possible, as intended by nature.

Organic farming also means clean water and clean soil.

From a technical point of view, organic foods must be certified by relevant agencies and authorities in their respective countries.

Click here to read about the definition of organic food.

You may also want to read about the various advantages of organic food production and consumption.

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