Wonderful Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods


Wonderful Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods

Psychological and emotional ill-effects of cooked foods

The harm caused by eating cooked food apparently goes beyond effects on physical health.

A man by the name of John A. MacDonald owned a pet shop and raised white mice. When the mice were fed raw grains, they lived and co-existed happily.

In a bid to cut costs, John started feeding the mice leftover cooked food which humans ate. The result – quarrels and fights, stronger mice attacking weaker ones, parents eating their young.

Dr Wigmore recounts another story, that of two sister white, nursing mother cats which lived in harmony together with their new-born kittens. They even shared the responsibility of feeding all the young cats.

Once switched to a diet of cooked meat, however, the two cats turned violent, attacking and bloodying each other.

A return to eating raw – their initial diet was a mild cat food mix and wheatgrass – brought back the peaceful co-existing situation.

When the little experiment was repeated, the results were observed to be the same.

What exactly does cooked food do to our psychological and emotional states??

Conclusion on raw food diet benefit

Raw plant food is the most natural food available to us. Out in the wild, all animals eat raw food, and they don’t get the chronic degenerative conditions which beset the human race. Doesn’t eating raw food make a lot of sense, then?

I know the above benefits of eating raw food sound too good to be true. Evidence in the form of rigorous scientific evidence is probably also lacking.

However, there is more than enough epidemiological and anecdotal evidence to demand attention – communities of people consuming vast amounts of raw foods, such as the Hunzas, thrive on great health and vitality, while personal testimonies of superb health and miraculous healings owing to consuming raw foods abound in first world countries, too.

There must be reasons why the raw food diet is slowly but surely gaining popularity in the first world. After all, why would people deliberately deprive themselves, if it didn’t make them feel good and healthy?

There is really only one way to find out for yourself – try it! Try going fully raw for at least a period of time, maybe a few weeks or months.

In all likelihood, you will discover the amazing effects of a raw diet, which extends beyond physical health.

Not only will you feel lighter, more energetic and healthier, you will even feel more at peace, more uplifted and happier. It’s quite amazing.

I know it’s hard to be eating raw food for health 100% of the time. Very difficult. And I’m personally not even sure if a wholly or mainly raw diet is the most healthful way to go.

But at least increase the proportion of raw food in your diet. I believe you will love the feeling!

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