Wonderful Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods


Wonderful Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods

Typically, raw food diets contain lower levels of harmful substances such as trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol, and higher levels of healthful ones such as fiber and potassium. Eating raw foods thus contribute to reduced risks for deadly diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

What’s more, heat changes the chemical structure of food, producing free radicals, mutagens and other substances which are toxic to our bodies, sometimes even carcinogenic.

Dr Paul Kouchakoff, an MD, suggested in his research that eating cooked food evoked a pathological response from the human body, in the form of increased immune response via the production of more white blood cells.

Immune response? You mean the body is treating cooked food as foreign invaders, perhaps even poisons? Frightening, isn’t it?

Apparently, this effect can be alleviated by first eating raw foods at every meal, and this must form at least half of the total food intake.

Proponents of eating raw, such as Dr Wigmore and Dr Earp-Thomas, even say that cooked food contributes to the development of tumors and cancers, and then further feeds their growth! It is suggested that fully raw diets can stave off the cancer epidemic which is now hitting the first world.

Cat experiments to determine the healthful effects of eating raw food

In experiments conducted by D.G. Simonsen and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, cats were fed meat and vegetables, with one group eating raw meat and the other having cooked meat.

The result was dramatic – the latter group lacked minerals and showed signs of poor skull and bone development, enlarged colon, degeneration of the nervous system, unhealthy liver and kidneys, etc.

By the third generation, the cats were unable to survive past the human equivalent of childhood.

Dr Pottenger concluded that a diet of raw meat and milk was the only way in which adequate nutrition for optimal health could be provided to cats.

Just how much is the consumption of cooked and processed foods contributing to the crazy disease epidemics plaguing the human race today?

Other health benefits of eating raw food

Besides the abovementioned differences of eating raw and cooked foods, such as digestion and risk of major diseases, the former has even more health benefits.

Cooked food, in general, has addictive qualities and contributes to weight gain and obesity. On the other hand, a diet of raw foods helps in weight loss and the maintenance of healthy weight.

I find it hard to imagine becoming overweight on raw foods. After all, we don’t see overweight animals in the jungle, do we?

Further, you will be more energetic, partly owing to better nutrition, and partly because your body is being detoxified by the raw foods you eat. You are going to feel more alert and be able to think more clearly.

You will be stronger and healthier. If you go fully raw, be prepared to say goodbye to the common cold and various illnesses!

Overall, your body will feel cleaner and lighter.

These would then translate to slower aging as well as better outward appearance – healthier and shinier skin.

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