5 Ways For Coping With Bipolar Disorder


5 Ways For Coping With Bipolar Disorder

Have you ever known someone whose life seemed to swing dramatically back and forth, going really great for a while, and then suddenly crashing with no hope of recovery? Perhaps this is a familiar pattern for a family member, close friend or you may even witness this within yourself.

This experience of highs and lows is a common ailment that affects millions of people of all ages and backgrounds and can be difficult to manage, but with the proper treatment and emotional support, balance can be re-established.

Conventional treatments generally include medications and counseling as part of maintaining emotional and psychological stability. While medications are certainly necessary and can be productive for many patients who suffer from these conditions, they may work better or be less needed when supported by other alternative methods.

When I work with clients who have periods of self-destructive depression followed by quick bursts of enthusiasm and lofty goals, they usually show up at my door during the depression stage. They are certain that their life will never move forward, and can’t seem to get out of their funk. If they show up in my office during the manic stage, they are overly-exuberant and are certain they can conquer the world. My goal with any client is to help them achieve more balance in their life, so the highs and lows aren’t so exaggerated that they end up being devastated on both ends.

This is an energetic disconnect in the field that can easily be re-aligned with a little observation and practice daily, and you can continue with the medications that your doctor prescribes, as none of these have contra-indications or side effects. They just support your overall wellbeing and help your own energy balance itself.

Keep a Journal

The first step to managing your symptoms is to track them daily. Write down your moods and activities, or record them in a video log. Review once a week with a counselor or trusted friend and objectively try to find cause/effect and patterns you may be participating in that are not productive for you. After you have been observing yourself for a while, you will start making better choices that don’t result in experiencing such extreme moods and behaviors.

A journal can also be useful for gaining clarity about a certain situation or just for venting your feelings. Getting your emotions and thoughts down on paper can be very liberating. Don’t judge or force anything, just express yourself in the moment and then let it go without dwelling on it.

Feed Your Head

While the majority of bi-polar symptoms may look emotional and psychological in nature, they can be supported through taking good care of your body. We often think of diet and exercise as something to focus on if we’re trying to lose weight, but the fact is that when we put good energy into our body, we will have more to give.

Eliminate wheat, sugar, alcohol and drugs. When cravings come up, drink plenty of water and eat more raw vegetables and whole grains to give your body and mind the nutrients it needs to function properly. This can be difficult if your comfort foods are suddenly off-limits, but if you notice how good you feel, it will be easier to give up the foods that trigger symptoms.

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