Good Health Habits Part 2: Lifestyle


Good Health Habits Part 2: Lifestyle

Improve your circulation

Blood circulation and lymphatic circulation are critical to move nutrients to and remove wastes from your cells. Besides exercise, there are specific ways to improve your circulation, such as rebounding on a mini-trampoline, foot reflexology, dry skin brushing, massage, chi gong (or qi gong), etc.

You could take a look at some examples of trampolines and reflexology tools.

Get some sunshine

One of today’s greatest health fallacies is that the sun is harmful to our health. The sun is the source of all energy on Earth, and humans have lived in harmony with the sun for thousands of years. Suddenly the sun is bad for us? Was God dreaming when he created the sun? The result of this fallacy is widespread Vitamin D deficiency in the first world today — sunlight is necessary for our bodies to create Vitamin D — and Vitamin D deficiency is linked to weakened immune systems and a host of diseases, including osteoporosis and cancer.

Having said that, try to avoid the midday sun — the mornings and evenings are the best time to sunbathe, and don’t get burnt. Sunscreen lotions contain many harmful chemicals which are absorbed by human skin and, in my mind, are more dangerous than sunburn itself, so I totally avoid them. If you consume a highly fresh and raw diet with a high amount of antioxidants and little or no processed foods, your body will be very well protected from sunburn. Personally, I find this to be one of the more important good health habits, and a very enjoyable one too.

Keep poisons out of the mouth and teeth

Many people are not aware that mercury amalgams (commonly called silver amalgams) are very dangerous. Mercury, which is extremely toxic and causes many serious diseases, is constantly leeched and swallowed into body, 24 hours a day.

Root canals and decaying teeth are also harmful, as the infections produce toxins which constantly poison the body all day round. Gum disease, too, has been implicated as a possible cause of numerous other health conditions, including heart disease.

Cleaning out your teeth and maintaining overall good oral hygiene is thus a very critical good health habit!

Keep other poisons and toxins out of the body too

While on the topic of toxins and poisons, there are many other sources of substances toxic to the body which you would do well to avoid. These include, but are not limited to, the preservatives used in many vaccines (which include mercury), many medical drugs, additives in processed foods, chemicals in personal cleaning products, chemicals in beauty products, chemicals in household cleaning agents, etc.

Wear natural clothing

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it needs to “breathe” in order to remove gaseous and liquid wastes. Wool, cotton, silk — these are natural. Polyester and other man-made materials hamper our skin’s function. These artificial materials also contain undesirable chemical compounds.

Some examples of natural clothing can be found here.

Use a shower filter

Filter your shower water, as the pores on our skin absorb the chlorine and other potentially harmful chemicals which could be in the water.

A quick summary of all our recommended good health tips can be found by clicking here.
Or read: Part 1 – Food, Diet & Nutrition | Part 2 – Lifestyle | Part 3 – Living Environment | Part 4 – Detoxification | Part 5 – Non-Physical Aspects

You could also learn more by reading our section on general good health tips.

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