How To Do A Lemon Juice Cleanse And Enjoy Its Detox Benefits


How To Do A Lemon Juice Cleanse And Enjoy Its Detox Benefits

A 2012 Natural News article also reminds that if you are a regular user of caffeine products like coffee, you need to slowly reduce your intake before the actual lemon juice cleanse. The article also recommends taking a pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 supplement to reduce the headache from caffeine withdrawal.

How to do the lemon juice cleanse

The recommended way to do the cleanse is to drink the lemon juice for a minimum of 10 days several times during a day. The recipe by Stanley Burroughs is:

* 2 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice
* 2 tbsp. of genuine maple syrup
* 1/10 tsp. of cayenne pepper
* 10 oz. of water, either hot or cold

You mix these ingredients together and drink. You should aim for between 6 to 12 glasses of the lemon juice mixture each day.

The Natural News article also reports that it is critical to follow a certain diet regime after you stop the diet. They suggest that on the first day, you introduce some orange juice to the diet, and on the second day of quitting, you eat some vegetable soups and broths. On day three, it is advised to add some fruits and vegetables.

Drinking a lot of fluids during the whole time is important and you should allow some time until you return to a normal diet.

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