Key Elements Of HPV Natural Treatment You Should Include


Key Elements Of HPV Natural Treatment You Should Include

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a very common virus among women; many can carry it without even knowing because it might not develop any obvious symptoms. It is the virus behind venereal warts and it is also often the reason why pap smears turn out abnormal. It has been linked to cervical cancer.

There are some HPV natural treatments available that you could consider if you are suffering from the condition or even as a preventive measure.

It is important that your immune system is up and running. So, as part of a HPV natural treatment regime, you need to make sure that you are eating right and getting enough vitamins and minerals. You also need to make sure that you are getting enough sleep. If you have bad health habits, such as smoking, you should really try to stop because it can increase the risk of HPV contributing to dangerous cell changes that can cause cancer.

Here are some great ways to help you boost your immune system and help treat HPV naturally.

B vitamin – folic acid

The B vitamin folic acid is important for a healthy immune system, which is very important in fighting the HPV virus. It has been noted in the past few years that if your body is lacking folic acid, your risk of HPV is much greater. A 2010 Natural News article reports that the severity of the HPV infection and its possibility of developing into cell changes in the body are greatly reduced when an adequate amount of folic acid is received by the body.

This means that you should either add folic acid in supplement form or consume foods with rich folate content. A good HPV natural treatment program could include eating:

* Oranges
* Asparagus
* Avocados
* Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli
* Papaya
* Bananas

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