Seeking Natural Gonorrhea Treatment? Try These Remedies


Seeking Natural Gonorrhea Treatment? Try These Remedies

If you are seeking natural gonorrhea treatment, there are some useful natural remedies available.

Bacteria called Neisseria gonorrheae causes gonorrhea. It is mostly transmitted through sexual acts and can occur in both men and women. It most often targets your throat, rectum or urethra.

It is rather contagious so it is important that everyone who has been in intimate relationship with the infected person gets treated. You also need to make sure that you retain proper hygiene during treatment.

Herbal treatment of gonorrhea

There are many herbs that can help you treat your symptoms and some of the following ones work best when combined together. Thus, do not be afraid of mixing them and making for instance herbal teas to help you treat gonorrhea naturally.

Pau d’arco

Pau d’arco is a great herb to use for herbal gonorrhea treatment. Its botanical name is tabebuia impetiginosa and it is only found in South America. According to a 2012 Vitamin E Store article, it has over twenty active compounds, with the most prominent one being naphthaquinones. It has also rich amounts of alkaloids and flavonoids, which make it a very good anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant herb to use for many ailments.

The article reports that pau d’arco has been found very effective against infections such as gonorrhea. It is also very effective in boosting your immune system during the infection and thus making sure that you don’t get any other infection during this time. According to a Livestrong article reporting in 2011, pau d’arco is also useful with enhancing the function of your lymphatic system – this helps to make sure that nutrients are getting to the infected areas.


This perennial herb is another natural gonorrhea treatment that you could try. It is native to the US and Canada and has a long tradition of use by Native Americans. It has chemical components called berberin and hydrastine that provide it with great health benefits. It is also rich in beneficial volatile oils.

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