5 Excellent Herbs For Parasites – Herbal Remedies To Kill Those Worms


5 Excellent Herbs For Parasites – Herbal Remedies To Kill Those Worms

Parasites are able to enter the body through water, food, sexual contact, touching contaminated areas, or certain insect bites and infestations. Parasites often quickly settle in, especially if the immune system is weak and the digestive system is not working efficiently.

What’s more, parasites can be prolific in nature.

However, with the right nutrition and a strong immune system, it is possible to cure the body of parasites and fight off any future outbreak. There are also great herbs for parasites that you could take to help get rid of the problem. If you experience severe vomiting or diarrhea, it is advised to seek out your healthcare professional.


This herb has a long history of use against intestinal parasites. Wormwood contains an important compound called sesquiterpene lactone, which weakens the parasite membranes very effectively. Wormwood also has a compound called azulene, which is anti-inflammatory and can reduce fever, for instance. Even a small dose of wormwood will stimulate digestion and boost your energy.

You can find wormwood in various different forms. It is a very strong herb and should not be used for long. There are extracts and capsules available for this herb for parasite relief. You should follow the dosage amounts very closely as wormwood can be toxic. Especially the pure oil, which should not be consumed.

Pumpkin seeds

Thinking about pumpkin seeds as a good herb for parasites might seem odd, but these are very effective at getting rid of unwanted parasites in the body. Natural Health 365 reports in 2012 that pumpkin seeds paralyze the parasites and worms in your intestines and this prevents them “from holding on to the wall of the intestine as they commonly do during a bowel movement.” You can snack on pumpkin seeds, eat them roasted, or mix them in with a drink.

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