How To Go About Doing A Parasite Detox


How To Go About Doing A Parasite Detox

The thought of parasites in the body is something that no one really wants to think about, but unfortunately parasites are increasingly a problem in the developed world as well.

You don’t know that you have been infected until you might start experiencing symptoms like fatigue and chronic diarrhea. In fact, a lot of gastrointestinal and stomach problems might be due to parasites.

Although you should contact your healthcare provider to make sure you get the proper diagnosis, there are some good natural ways to get rid of parasites in the body. Here are some of these suggestions for parasite detox.

Parasite detox diet

A great way to get rid of parasites in the body is to do a detoxification through diet. Parasites need sugar and thus the first and most important thing to do is to remove any sugary products from your diet to deprive the parasites of it. Stop using sugar and processed foods, since these often have high sugar content without it necessarily being labeled.

The most effective way to do a parasite detox is to go on a few day long juice diet. Before the juice diet, it is important that you eat two to three days of just fresh vegetables and fruits, to make it easier for the body to go through the juice detox process. For instance, you should eat a lot of:

* Vitamin A foods – Cathy Wong writes in 2012 that vitamin A is crucial in increasing the body’s resistance to larvae. Carrots and squash, for example, are great vegetables to add to your parasite detox.

* Vitamin C foods – it is also important to make sure your body remains strong during the detox, and vitamin C is crucial for a healthy immune system. Eat oranges, kale and leafy greens.

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